Club Overview

The Amateur Telescope Makers of Boston, Inc. (ATMoB) is an amateur astronomy club devoted to telescope making, observing, and studying the heavens. The ATMoB was founded in 1934 with the cooperation of Dr. Harlow Shapley at Harvard College Observatory. In 1973, the Bond Astronomical Society, another long-standing club, merged with the ATMoB making the club one of the oldest and largest general interest astronomy clubs in the country.
The mission of the ATMoB is to engage in, to encourage others to engage in, and to provide instruction and facilities for the design, construction and use of telescopes and other astronomical instruments, and in general to promote interest in amateur observational astronomy and the instruments used therefore.
We meet formally the second Thursday of every month (except August) to hear a speaker, to discuss club activities, and to socialize. Past speakers include Phillip Morrison, Owen Gingrich, David Malin, Brian Marsden, and many others.
We publish a monthly
newsletter, STAR FIELDS, which is available to all members.

We hold approximately 30
Star Parties for schools and other institutions each year.
We maintain a
clubhouse and observatory with a workshop, library, and observing field in Westford, MA. You're likely to find many members willing to share views through their instruments on any clear & dark weekend night. The clubhouse is scheduled to be open on most Saturday nights. Mirror kits are available for those members wishing to fabricate their own mirrors.
For more on the club, amateur astronomy, buying a telescope, and other resources, download our
Interested in Astronomy brochure.
Amateur Telescope Makers of Boston T-Shirts, Hats, Mugs and more are available for sale on our
Cafe Press Store.
The Amateur Telescope Makers of Boston, Inc. is an IRS designated 501(c)3 public charity organization. Donations are gladly accepted and are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law.