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ATMoB Clubhouse
20 Millstone Hill Rd
Westford, MA 01886
Event Contact(s)
Eileen Myers
Registration Info
Registration is not Required
About this event
New Year’s Eve Party at the ATMoB Clubhouse
WHERE SHOULD YOU GO to celebrate the start of the 2nd Quarter of the 21st Century?
To the ATMoB Clubhouse in Westford of course!
Festivities on Tuesday, December 31st will start at 6:30 pm and will go on past midnight.
You can arrive at any time since there will be 8 opportunities to shout "Happy New Year".
Noisemakers and cheers will ring out each time the New Year crosses a time zone, starting with Greenwich Mean Time (7PM local time), and continuing hour after hour through Eastern Standard Time (midnight local time), with a couple of half hour celebrations in between. Please come and join the fun, and bring your family and close friends.
Pot luck dinner, so please bring something to share: entrée, appetizer, salad, dessert...
Folks will be arriving and leaving all evening. There will be plenty of non-alcoholic beverages.
No RSVP is needed.
The clubhouse will be warm and cozy for long conversations.
It will be one day past new Moon, so gaze fondly at the planets and take a peek at your favorite winter stars and galaxies.
There will be an Orion Observing Challenge.
Bring your telescope or look through a club scope.
Don't forget your warm observing clothes and boots.
The forecast looks good (okay, so it is a bit too early to know) but the party is on even if cloudy or rainy.
There will be easy line dancing again this year, starting around 7:45PM led by Julie Kaufmann. We are hoping to have live music sometime during the evening too.
Clubhouse vacuuming, setting up tables, and putting up New Year’s decorations will take place Saturday, December 28th at 10:00 AM.
Decorations will be taken down on Saturday, January 4th starting at 10:00 AM. Help is needed for both. No experience necessary. Lunch will be provided.
Please contact Eileen or Al to sign up to help with the decorations on either day, or both!
Any party suggestions or questions are welcome, so please email them to Eileen at or call 978-501-6342.
Hosted by Eileen Myers, Al Takeda, and the Clubhouse Committee Revelers